About Me
I am a part-time writer and editor at UMass Lowell and a literary journalist in Southern New Hampshire.
Before semi-retiring in 2022, I worked full-time as a writer for UMass Lowell for nearly seven years, writing articles and profiles for the website and various university publications. I covered fine arts, humanities, social sciences, education, health sciences and the Honors College at various times. I also wrote and continue to write for UML Magazine, Elements of Science and Engineering Solutions.
Before that, I worked for The Associated Press as a reporter and daily news supervisor (in reverse chronological order) in New Hampshire, Boston, West Virginia, and San Diego over 16 years. I covered courts and legal affairs, Right to Know laws and the First Amendment, the environment, The New England Journal of Medicine, the U.S.-Mexican border, electric deregulation, the New Hampshire presidential primary, and general news. I investigated prison abuse, judicial and legal conflicts of interest, and logging in the North Woods. I also wrote a variety of national features about everything from quilting in West Virginia to travel in the White Mountains.
My trip to India was inspired by my work with Robert Walter on his memoir, Son of a Swami: A Life of Lies.
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